
About the blog

This blog is designed to instill a sense of passion about Cape Town with all and sundry. My blog dispenses a variety of useful information about Cape Town; all in an effort to encourage you to develop an intimate relationship with the Mother City.  Discover off the beaten track activities, unheard of restaurants and immerse yourself in the vibrant, colorful Capetonian culture that is woven into our daily lives. Open your eyes and absorb what Cape Town has on offer - you'll discover this is not a city to experienced in a waking state of sleep. Feel it. Breathe it. Awaken your senses.

I encourage a sense of adventure within my readers, so it seems fitting that I put this into practice. I travel. A lot. And although this blog is dedicated to Cape Town, you'll still find blogs about our other destinations. These posts are housed under the "Escape the Cape" section.

And the name "The Snoozing Traveller"?

The: It seemed appropiate to use a definite article.

The name snoozing is derived from two key elements of my life - one, I have laid back approach to life (it's a general Capetonian vibe - I'm not unique) and two, I have a passion for accommodation and hotels (if you're slow Snoozing refers to sleeping. If you draw a Venn diagram, sleeping can be related the art of lying in a bed. In an establishment. Like a hotel, for example).

I think my love of hotels stems from the fact that I had 27 sordid affairs with Russian politicians, all of which were in deluxe five star hotels. Hang on, that's not true. Let's try again. I've loved hotels since my first hotel stay at the Holiday Inn Garden Court in Durban when I was about 8. We were allowed to bunk school. Maybe that's why I'm a bit of an academic hazard.

The other is reason is because my family owned a holiday farm near the Gansbaai region, and having this background has encouraged me to follow many of my travel and outdoor pursuits.

Traveller: I travel, therefore I am...a traveller.

About me (the narcissist part of this "about" section)

I'm a huge fan of web, SEO and design. Copywriting and online marketing is my passion. I have a fantastic day job but by night, I blog. If you want to find out more about me socially, then follow me on Google +. 

That's me in a nutshell!

Contact my directly on snoozingtravellers@gmail.com for blog advertising opportunities or just to say hi. You are more than welcome to offer me comp dinners and stuff.